Friday, March 2, 2007

Controversial Issue in the Educational System

There are many controversial issue that are affecting the educational system. We were asked to write about one of them and share our opinions and thoughts about the issue that we write about. The issue of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools today has always interested. Some people believe that it is perfectly alright, some believe are total against it and some people are borderline. The issue with the Pledge of Allegiance is that there is a line within it that state "One Nation, Under God...." By making students recite the Pledge at the beginning of the day, we as a society are mixing the realm of religion and public school together into one which by law is not to happen. We are also not taking into account that all students do not believe in the Christian God. There are many students that attend public school that do not practice Christianity. By making them recite the Pledge, we are kind of making them renounce their faith. In my opinion, we should not say the Pledge of Allegiance at school or we should come up with an alternative.

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